May 2019 (Int'l) Reading Passage Deep Dive: Literature [2/8/2022] Live event date: Tuesday, February 8th, 2022, at 6:00pm Eastern time


We'll do a Reading Deep Dive with the literature passage from the May 2019 (International) QAS, which students should print out or have ready on-screen before the start of the event. George will read through the passage with running commentary and interaction with the attendees with the goal of showing how to completely comprehend the piece so the questions can be addressed with ease and confidence. Then, students will answer the questions for the passage online, we'll score the results, and we will discuss the toughest questions.

After George's presentation, we'll have an open Q&A session on reading, SAT preparation planning, and related subjects.


  • Pre-event chat
  • Student surveys
  • Reading passage deep dive: May 2019 (International) QAS, literature passage
  • Q&A

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