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SAT® Strategy Course
SAT - General Thoughts
The secret of the SAT (6:03)
Prep Schedule - Quality vs. Quantity (4:00)
How to use the test walk-through videos on this site (4:12)
DSAT - Don't burn through the practice tests (3:10)
DSAT - Why are the questions I got different than the ones my friend got? (1:17)
DSAT - Why was the test harder than I expected? Why was the test easier? (3:13)
The one-and-done test taker myth (5:42)
How many times should I take the test? (4:42)
How am I going to improve on this test? (3:28)
What should I work on and practice? (2:14)
Mental horsepower - marathon or sprint? (5:18)
Should I take a prep break? (4:39)
Bring a watch! Timer tips and advice from personal experience (4:13)
Is the ACT easier than the SAT? (3:45)
Why switching tests is almost always a bad idea (3:22)
When do you know you're ready to take the test? (2:01)
What's better - a hard test or an easy test? (7:33)
My initial, rather uninformed and unscripted thoughts on the June 2018 results (7/12/2018) (13:34)
Thoughts on the May 2019 Curve (8:01)
What should I do the morning of the test? (6:41)
How to avoid making "dumb" mistakes? (6:59)
How often should I take practice tests, and how? (4:59)
Is it fair that someone I know got a 1600 without studying? (4:56)
Why do I always make things up when I take this test? (8:22)
How should I feel when I get a question wrong? (3:13)
Be flexible (3:18)
What should I do if my score plateaus? (4:03)
Don't burn through practice tests (2:18)
Why do difficult problems paralyze us? (5:20)
Do not change your strategy and process the day of the real test (4:02)
Is there a bubbling strategy that will increase my score? (10:06)
What NOT to do the week before the test (4:14)
Should I take a practice test the day before the real thing? (2:47)
The night before the test - what to do to prevent a mini-disaster (0:22)
Reading - An Overview
DSAT - Basic Reading Question Strategy (7:49)
DSAT - Chart Question Strategy (6:31)
DSAT - Main Idea Question Strategy (8:18)
DSAT - Main Purpose Question Strategy (8:08)
DSAT - Vocabulary Question Strategy (5:17)
DSAT - "Which finding, if true, would most directly support" Question Strategy (9:31)
DSAT - Overall Structure Question Strategy (6:24)
DSAT - Text 1 Text 2 Question Strategy (10:57)
DSAT - "Which finding, if true, would most directly undermine" Question Strategy (10:51)
DSAT - Which Quotation Question Strategy (6:39)
Reading - The Basics (3:07)
Types of Reading Questions (11:08)
General Reading Strategy (7:19)
Literature Strategy (5:59)
History Strategy (8:18)
Science & Social Science Strategy (4:26)
Double Passage Strategy (5:48)
How do I do paired quote questions? (17:55)
Reading Strategy - My Tips and Strategies
Main Idea Questions - Big Picture Questions (3:28)
Comprehension - Translate the Passage (4:31)
How long should it take to read the passage? (1:23)
Time management strategy on the reading (8:03)
If ONE word is wrong, the entire answer choice is wrong (7:23)
Words that make me uncomfortable (they usually signal an incorrect answer) (8:37)
How to eliminate answer choices (6:18)
Two reactions to an answer choice - Wrong and Maybe (2:58)
Don't get rid of A right off the bat (4:31)
Don't settle for a terrible answer (3:22)
Why changing your answer is usually a bad idea (2:39)
Is the test maker's job to make wrong answers look right and right answers look wrong? (4:02)
Don't pick the "smart" answer, and don't ignore the answer you don't understand (4:09)
Logical reversals - But, Yet, However - What to do when one comes up (2:45)
For smart people - Just because you can make an answer work does not mean it is the correct answer (2:57)
Be ok not understanding something (3:47)
Be aware of stand-alone quote questions (1:58)
Read around quotes for context (3:31)
Science reading passages usually have another scientist's perspective at the end (2:02)
How do I answer paragraph purpose/primarily serves to questions? (10:24)
How do I answer sentence purpose/primarily serves to questions? (10:34)
Writing and Language - An Overview
DSAT - Notes Question Strategy (1:25)
The shorter the answer, the better (usually) for Writing and Language (1:46)
Why do I always get answers wrong even when they sound correct? (2:58)
Get rid of excess (2:12)
For writing and language, don't make it personal (1:35)
Math - An Overview
DSAT - Desmos is great, but it won't save you if you don't know math (3:59)
Have a game plan to tackle math problems (3:14)
How should I avoid "dumb" mistakes in math? (4:27)
Calculators are the tools of the devil! (3:13)
How should I start a math problem when I don't know where to begin? (1:36)
If a problem looks hard, chances are it won't be (4:59)
Pay attention when a problem asks you to solve for something "weird" (3:58)
Convert square roots into fractional exponents (1:14)
If I get an answer in math that is close to but not exactly the same as an answer choice, is that ok? (2:34)
Bloopers Episode I (4:31)
Prep Schedule - Quality vs. Quantity
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